Tips for Reducing Stress Through Diet

On Stressful Days, Eat Little and Often

This will keep your metabolism ticking over all day and you will minimise peaks and troughs in energy levels.  Eat breakfast, even though you may not feel hungry or believe you do not have enough time. ("Stress, Nutrition and Diet - Managing Stress | SkillsYouNeed," n.d.). 

Eating breakfast helps to kick start your metabolism for the day and also helps to stabilise your blood sugar level which will in turn reduce stress. ("Stress, Nutrition and Diet - Managing Stress | SkillsYouNeed," n.d.). Choose fruit or fruit juice and a whole-grain cereal for maximum benefits.

Eat Well Throughout the Day

Make sure you eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables each day and focus on foods containing Vitamins B and C, and Magnesium:

  • B Vitamins can help you feel more energetic after a stressful episode.  Bananas, leafy green vegetables, avocados, nuts, seeds and also meat, fish and dairy products all contain essential B vitamins.

  • Vitamin C – The adrenal glands contain the largest store of vitamin C in the body and are important in the production of stress hormones.  Eat citrus fruit such as oranges, tomatoes, peppers, kiwi fruit, leafy green vegetables, broccoli and other foods rich in Vitamin C.

  • Magnesium – Can help to relax muscles and reduce anxiety.  Increase your magnesium intake by eating nuts, especially Brazil nuts, but also hazelnuts and peanuts.  Leafy green vegetables, whole grains, especially oats, brown rice and beans are also good sources of magnesium. 
Get Plenty of Rest

Drink Water Throughout the  Day


Stress, Nutrition and Diet - Managing Stress | SkillsYouNeed. (n.d.). Retrieved April 6, 2015, from