A Vision Board Is A Powerful Visualization!

Vision board wall by Aworldfullofdreams
A vision board is a powerful visualization tool that you can use as inspiration for your journey toward your ideal life. Some people refer to it as a “dream board” or an “inspiration board” (Thurman, 2013). No matter what you call it, it’s basically a collage of pictures, words and quotes that serve to remind you of your passion and purpose (Thurman, 2013).

You’ll need:

  • a poster-board, cork board or small canvas
  • a stack of old magazines
  • scissors
  • markers or paint
  • glue, tape, thumb tacks or pins
  • a photo of yourself (optional)
Set goals and prioritize
Write goals and ideas on your poster board
Find images and words for the vision board

Making a Vision board should be therapeutic and Fun!
 A Vision Board is a collection of the images that best describe your dreams, goals and desires. By creating a vision board, you set the intention for the goals you want to achieve. The exercise of creating a Vision Board allows you to organize your thoughts, clarify your goals and the outcome you believe will make you happy.

Create a relaxing atmosphere. Put on inspiring or upbeat music. Light a few candles if you want. Close your eyes and take a moment to reflect on your big goals and dreams. Search for and cut out images and words that embody your goals and/or just speak to you. I like—colors, words, interesting images—but am also on a hunt for images and words that relate to the goals I’m making. 

Display your vision board somewhere you’ll see it every day and feel inspired.

Thurman .R, (2013, September 16). How to Create a Vision Board: 6 Steps to Visualize Your Ideal Life. Retrieved from http://happyblackwoman.com/how-to-create-a-vision-board/