What is Venting Out? 6 Easy Ways to Vent Out

 Self Help Article |  January 30, 2022

Venting out means letting out the emotions that we may be bottling up for some time. It’s essential for our mental wellbeing. Talking is the most prevalent form of venting out but is surely not the only option out there. There are other ways as well, read along to know more. 

     Venting out means letting out the emotions that we may be bottling up for some time. It almost feels like we are taking a breath in the fresh air after being in a closed room for a while. It’s essential for our mental wellbeing. 

Imagine a balloon that is already filled with air, what will happen if you keep pumping more air into it? It will eventually burst, right? People who don’t vent out their emotions and hold them in for long periods of time often feel overwhelmed and may even face emotional outbursts. 

      Studies suggest that we get immediate relief from stress after venting out. It makes us realize that emotions are temporary.

Talking is the most prevalent form of venting out. It involves two people, where one speaks and the other one listens. Since it is a burst of feelings, anyone listening also gets affected to some extent. Make sure you ask the person listening for consent before you start venting out. Don't vent endlessly as this might put the person listening under stress. It's important to abide by certain things to vent out the right way. 

     But a lot of people fear being judged and don’t really feel comfortable venting out to a person. That’s completely okay. Talking is surely not the only option out there. Some of the best ways to let go of your emotions are:

1.     Exercising- Working out or running is one of the best ways to cool yourself down. It helps in practicing mindfulness and also develops a deeper connection with ourselves. Meditation is another practice that enables you to see through and look at your deeper selves. 

2.     Journaling- Writing whatever we are feeling at a particular moment on a piece of paper helps us let go of those emotions. It’s important that you are completely honest with yourself. You can also reflect upon whatever you have written later on. This will not only help you vent out without any help from outside but with promote feelings of self-love.

3.     Mirror-Gazing- When feeling a lot of emotions at once, we may lose the ability to look deeper. Stand in front of a mirror, talk to yourself about everything that has been bothering you. Spending time reflecting on everything you are feeling and understanding what’s affecting you helps a lot. 

4.     Practicing Gratitude- Looking past the not-so-good things and being grateful for the good ones in every situation is an effective way as well. You can even try this after you ventilate to any of your friends and understand the whole situation once again.

5.     Arts/Music- Sometimes words are not enough for us to express how we are feeling. Sometimes, we need more than that. Art and music are really efficient tools in this case. They help us release our emotions and give them a beautiful shape. The best part isScience Articles, you don’t need to be an expert in any of these to start.

There is nothing wrong with not being able to vent out to friends or close ones. It’s okay if any of the above ways don’t work as well for you as for someone else.

Sakshi Shah


We are a mental health startup creating quality content on Mental Health at GoodLives. Fighting the stigma against seeking therapy and creating awareness are our prime objectives.

Don't Fall Prey to Victim Mentality

Carolyn Hansen
Attitude is everything. Mental attitude, no matter what the end goal is, either helps you get there or impedes your progress and one of the most damaging attitudes anyone can adopt is victim-mentality.

What is victim-mentality?

Victim mentality is a negative mindset. It places blame on other people and circumstances for any unhappiness felt within." It is the proverbial "point the finger out" scenario.

Those engaged in victim-mentality, view life through a narrow lens of pessimistic perceptions, believing whatever occurs in life is the result of outside causes. Inner reflection is never considered. Being a victim means absolving themselves of blame. Nothing is their fault - ever! Those engaged in victim mentality most often enjoy the attention, sympathy, and validation they get from playing this "poor me" role.

When trapped in victim-hood, the focus becomes how vulnerable we are, rather than on how powerful we are.

While no one is born with victim mentality, no one is exempt from playing the victim role either. Sweet elder grandparents, loving, well-intentioned mothers and fathers, teenagers, and even those considered "spiritually awakened" can all be found to dwell in this defeatist realm.

In fact, every person alive has played the victim role more than once in their lives.

Victims want to be mentally prepared for the worst and sadly, for those dwelling in victim-hood, this self-sabotaging behavior becomes more powerful when things seem to be going their way as they are sure "disaster is waiting around the next corner."

So, how does one break free from this self-defeating, "poor me," pessimistic type programming, most of which was developed and adopted as a child?

It all begins at home with your perceptions/how your view yourself. Do you perceive yourself as a survivor or a victim?

Survivors embrace life and flow with it. They live in the present and take control over their lives. They are fully aware that they alone are responsible for what occurs. They know that taking responsibility for their lives, they are empowered to change their lives.

Victims, on the other hand, wallow in self-pity and argue with and push back at life. They dwell in the past, believing they are helpless to change circumstances - their key to avoiding responsibility. They live defensively and stay frozen in time, without making progress because their perceptions tell them they are powerless.

The cost of victim mentality is high. It negatively affects every area of life - professional and personal. Those who see themselves as a failure, are dwelling in victim-hood because failure only comes to those who give up.

If we really want to shift out of victim mentality, we must first own it. We can't change what we don't own. We must shift our attitude and know that "change begins with me." We must embrace survival and take actions steps... no matter how small or insignificant they may seem now, towards some goal we are looking to attain.

Most importantly, we must continually empower ourselves with "I can" and "I will" statements and put a stop to degrading "I can't" or "I won't" statements and beliefs.

And, we must embrace gratitude - the greatest of attitudes. Daily, we need to take time to reflect on all the things that make us happy, on all the things that are going well in our life. Keeping our mind/energy focused on positive situations helps to counteract victim mentality.

In the end, we must honor ourselves with the same degree of respect and love that we try to give others. Only then will our minds and actions shift out of victim-hood to survival mode.

The truth is, we can't control other's actions or every circumstance that shows up in our lives, but we can control how we react to them. We don't have to be victims. It is a choice. Whatever happens or comes our way, we must view it as a challenge and not an excuse.

Looking for a powerful partner to help erase the negative victim tapes that play over and over in your head? Look no further than your local gym. Getting your blood flowing and your "happy, feel-good" hormones kicked in through challenging exercise is one of the best ways to overcome negativity, defeat victim mentality, and put yourself on the fast track to feeling healthy physically, mentally, and emotionally.

The victim needs to realize that small behavior and attitude changes can result in big rewards.

Do you want to discover the secret to rejuvenating your body, regaining lost vitality and improving the quality of your life? https://ReclaimYourLongevity.com/ can do just that!

For more tools and tips to help you on your journey to health and fitness http://CarolynHansenFitness.com/

While you're there, grab my free report 101 Habits for Super Health

Carolyn Hansen is a certified fitness expert and fitness center owner who in her nearly 30 years of fitness and bodybuilding competition experience she has helped thousands of people start their journey towards losing weight, becoming strong, fit, and youthful at any age.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Carolyn_Hansen/194809

Imagine Yourself Well

It is not the position you stand, but the direction in which you look.

- Unknown


 Meditation is neither Christian nor un-Christian.  It's an act that takes on whatever intent you've given to it. 

Translating an idea into reality, more often than not will requires you to put in work. It also requires self-belief and you have to believe in your self. Without the confidence in your ability to achieve the desired reality, you simply will not succeed. And this is where we make our second mistake. We over-visualize! We think of the outcomes and create a negative outlook therefore we don't feel like our goals are attainable and we give up rather than stay patient and diligent in your progress. I believe when we can renewal the way we think and listen to our internal dialogue or self talk to evaluate our progress in renewing the mind .Your internal dialogue is what you are saying to yourself and will become your outlook.

Romans 12:2 - And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of The Most High God.

Loving Kindness

Make us feeling good about life, and the way we approach it. Meditation can be done at all times of the day. It requires a bit of planning and extra effort to keep focused because it is work. Loving Kindness and Visualization is something you choose to do. Meditation can be done both on planned, pre-arranged times and informally, whenever your mind is free.
  • During your morning quiet time
  • While you do household chores or waiting for something
  • While you drive to work
  • While you are waiting to sleep
  • When you wake in the middle of the night
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer. (Psalm 19:14)