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What is Venting Out? 6 Easy Ways to Vent Out
Self Help Article | January 30, 2022
Venting out means letting out the emotions that we may be bottling up for some time. It’s essential for our mental wellbeing. Talking is the most prevalent form of venting out but is surely not the only option out there. There are other ways as well, read along to know more.
Venting out means letting out the emotions
that we may be bottling up for some time. It almost feels like we are taking a
breath in the fresh air after being in a closed room for a while. It’s
essential for our mental wellbeing.
a balloon that is already filled with air, what will happen if you keep pumping
more air into it? It will eventually burst, right? People who don’t vent out
their emotions and hold them in for long periods of time often feel overwhelmed
and may even face emotional outbursts.
Studies suggest that we get immediate
relief from stress after venting out. It makes us realize that emotions are
Talking is the most prevalent form of venting out. It involves two people, where one speaks and the other one listens. Since it is a burst of feelings, anyone listening also gets affected to some extent. Make sure you ask the person listening for consent before you start venting out. Don't vent endlessly as this might put the person listening under stress. It's important to abide by certain things to vent out the right way.
But a lot of people fear being judged and
don’t really feel comfortable venting out to a person. That’s completely okay.
Talking is surely not the only option out there. Some of the best ways to let
go of your emotions are:
Exercising- Working out or running is one of the
best ways to cool yourself down. It helps in practicing mindfulness and also
develops a deeper connection with ourselves. Meditation is another practice
that enables you to see through and look at your deeper selves.
Journaling- Writing whatever we are feeling at a
particular moment on a piece of paper helps us let go of those emotions. It’s
important that you are completely honest with yourself. You can also reflect upon
whatever you have written later on. This will not only help you vent out
without any help from outside but with promote feelings of self-love.
Mirror-Gazing- When feeling a lot of emotions at
once, we may lose the ability to look deeper. Stand in front of a mirror, talk
to yourself about everything that has been bothering you. Spending time
reflecting on everything you are feeling and understanding what’s affecting you
helps a lot.
Practicing Gratitude- Looking past the not-so-good
things and being grateful for the good ones in every situation is an effective
way as well. You can even try this after you ventilate to any of your friends
and understand the whole situation once again.
Arts/Music- Sometimes words are not enough for us
to express how we are feeling. Sometimes, we need more than that. Art and music
are really efficient tools in this case. They help us release our emotions and
give them a beautiful shape. The best part is, you don’t
need to be an expert in any of these to start.
is nothing wrong with not being able to vent out to friends or close ones. It’s
okay if any of the above ways don’t work as well for you as for someone else.
Sakshi Shah |
We are a mental health startup creating quality content on Mental Health at GoodLives. Fighting the stigma against seeking therapy and creating awareness are our prime objectives.