Imagine Yourself Well

It is not the position you stand, but the direction in which you look.

- Unknown


 Meditation is neither Christian nor un-Christian.  It's an act that takes on whatever intent you've given to it. 

Translating an idea into reality, more often than not will requires you to put in work. It also requires self-belief and you have to believe in your self. Without the confidence in your ability to achieve the desired reality, you simply will not succeed. And this is where we make our second mistake. We over-visualize! We think of the outcomes and create a negative outlook therefore we don't feel like our goals are attainable and we give up rather than stay patient and diligent in your progress. I believe when we can renewal the way we think and listen to our internal dialogue or self talk to evaluate our progress in renewing the mind .Your internal dialogue is what you are saying to yourself and will become your outlook.

Romans 12:2 - And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of The Most High God.

Loving Kindness

Make us feeling good about life, and the way we approach it. Meditation can be done at all times of the day. It requires a bit of planning and extra effort to keep focused because it is work. Loving Kindness and Visualization is something you choose to do. Meditation can be done both on planned, pre-arranged times and informally, whenever your mind is free.
  • During your morning quiet time
  • While you do household chores or waiting for something
  • While you drive to work
  • While you are waiting to sleep
  • When you wake in the middle of the night
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer. (Psalm 19:14)