Jus Jivin with Producer|Director|Writer|Comedian Reggie Hathorn

Did you always want to be a Comedian | Actor | Director | Writer
No. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to be. I knew I had the spirit and energy of an entertainer. Because I loved entertaining people and I liked being center stage. The writing thing actually just happened a few years ago when I began telling stories on Facebook and realized I had somewhat of a natural gift for storytelling. I always, I mean always listened to comedy as a kid. I was actually the only kid in my neighborhood who was allowed to listen to Richard Pryor.

I’ve always loved comedy but it wasn’t until later in life that I realized that comedians use comedy as therapy and a way to deal with pain…then I wanted to be a comic. So all the other kids use to come over my house so we could listen to his albums. Directing is also new to me. I honestly just recently found out that directing is essentially storytelling and getting actors to help bring your story/vision to life. And I actually love directing. Acting is something I never wanted to really do. 
 What gives me greatest joy?
Freedom…no obligations. No schedule. Just being able to come and go as I please. If I could, I would just be a professional wanderer. There is so much joy in having no plans but all the time to do nothing. I don’t like people telling me when and what time I have to be somewhere. For years, I didn’t wear a watch because my philosophy was, “I’ll get wherever I wanna go, whenever I wanna get there”. Of course I was an entrepreneur. And listening to music while being free is the cherry on the banana split.
 What is the best advice I’ve been given.
Good question. There are actually two bits of equally valuable advice. The first was by my late business mentor, Dr. Marvin Robinson, “If you have an idea or a business you want to do. Wake up the next day and start doing the shit. Don't say shit to anyone not even your friends. As a matter of fact, fuck your friends. 
You don’t need anyone talking you out of what you want to do” I’ve taken this advice and applied it to many areas of my life. It always seems to work. You have to just do it. I’ve found that people that spend the most time talking spend less time doing it. So I don’t talk much when I move, because my energy is on moving. 
 What is one thing you wish you knew when you were younger, now that you’re older?
I wish someone would have told me that life doesn’t always go according to your plans and it doesn’t always look how you envisioned it. Life can whoop your ass if you let it. And as much as we want them to, dreams don’t always come true. They can come true, but that’s not always the case. Some of your friends are only friends for a while. And when you’ve come to the conclusion that you’ve outgrown them, it’s okay. Accept it, it happens. Because somebody has outgrown you as well. And Hell, take care of your credit. 
What is on your bookshelf?
“Oh the places you'll go by Dr Seuss. Even though it’s a children’s book. There are lessons that are applicable to all stages of life.  
Tangrams, which are Japanese puzzles, because it keeps my mind sharp and helps with critical thinking. 
A book on Etymology, because I love the origins of words and phrases. 
A book of toasts, because I love having cool shit to say when you give toasts. I love giving toasts. 
‘The Life of Frank Sinatra’, big Sinatra fan because I always felt like he lived one of the best lives in American history because he really did do shit his way and admire a person that lives life to the fullest and can get beat up but yet get up and keep on living. A clock. Some other random books. 
 Do you think comedic abilities are something someone either has or doesn’t? Or do you think it’s something that can be learned?
I think people have it in them already. I just think you learn to fine tune it or find your voice. 
What is your dream project? 
There are two. My first is to travel and tell my life story and get paid to be myself. And that is in the making as I type. I have always been big on getting to me and being myself at all times in all environments. And I’ve mastered that. I’m me in any circle.  Second is writing a sitcom about life as a child and my childhood neighborhood friends. We did some outlandish things as kids. We had great times. Now that I’m older, there were so many lessons and messages in the lives we lived. And we some gut busting times as well. Those stories need to be told. It’s a coming of age type of thing. 
What projects are you working on?
My upcoming tour in the fall is my main project currently. It’s taking all my time and energy. It’s my first tour so I’m knee deep in it. 
What is the one thing people would be surprised to know about you?
I love all Little Debbie snack cakes. I mean all. Some I love more than others, but I love them all. I could eat a little Debbie every day. As a matter of fact, I think I do. I know all the convenient stores that carry them. I tend to shy away from the ones that don’t. I can look at a store and tell if the carry Little Debbie’s or not. When I feel that a store carries Little Debbie’s, I get out the car smiling and I have little pep in my step, and I’ve only been wrong twice. And those two times, were heartbreaking. 
Instagram @jus_jivin
YouTube @jusjivin
Booking Info: jusjivinbooking@gmail.com