Q&A with Drewz Andrews - Balancing Family and Music Career

Can you tell us a little about yourself?
My stage name is Drewz Andrews I was born in Pensacola, Florida September 20th 1991. I moved to Springdale, Arkansas in 2005 because of Hurricane Katrina. I graduated from Springdale High in 2010. Growing up in Florida I saw a lot at an early age, but playing ball and music was always my safe haven. Music was a big part of my family growing up. I would watch my big brothers and cousins rap and beat on tables to make their own beats while free styling. Just being around them made me wants to be apart and therefore I fell in love with music.

What is the importance of the connections you make? How can you utilize them?
Making connections is very important to me, especially in the music industry. You never know what certain person you meet can have an effect on your life. I am always trying to meet new people and soak up any knowledge that they have. I'm always on a mission to learn more and listen.

" Success takes patience but sometimes u got to go out there and go get it " - Drewz Andrews #FlowGame #ShameOnYou

How do you get people to take you seriously as a musician?
 The way I get people to take me seriously as a musician is first and foremost, I take myself seriously as a musician. The way you carry yourself can go a long way. No one is going to give you a chance if they look at you and can tell that you’re not taking your craft seriously why would they waste their time with you. When I make music I try to put out the best quality sounding music as possible. Also I believe in delivering the best quality music videos as well.
How important is image?
 Image is very important to me. An artist image is one of the most important things they can have besides actual talent. Some people can have talent but not a good image and they won't go far at all. My image is pretty must take me as I am what you see is what you get with me. I try to make sure I keep my name clean around the community and the hip hop scene as must as possible.

Do you write your own songs? (Discuss the songwriting process in detail.)
Yes I do write my own songs. My writing process is very different and random at times. There will be times where I and my wife will be out somewhere like the grocery store, and I hear an instrumental on my phone and ill just come up with a chorus right then and there. A lot of my music is made in the car as well while I'm driving around listening to instrumentals. No matter where I'm at music is always on my mind and I can create a song at random. Sometimes I do take the normal approach, and sit down in my studio room and get a pen and paper out and just start writing. I usually create the chorus first, and then make the verses based off the chorus.

How do you handle mistakes during a performance?
Whenever I make a mistake during a performance I try not to let it bother me and I just keep going like it never happened. If I'm on stage and I'm performing and I forget a word or mess up I never let the crowd see me sweat. Right when I mess up I’ll do something to make the crowd go crazy, so they instantly forget about it. When you mess up and let it throw you off your game that's when the crowd notices, but most of the time if you keep rocking the mic they won't even notice at all.

How would you define the word “success”?
 Success in my opinion is simply reaching your goals, whatever that might be. Everyone has a different definition of what success is to them. My goals in the music industry are to one day own my own label called Flow Game. I want to give hard working artists like myself a chance to tell their story and inspire others to go out and follow their dreams.

What advice would you give someone? The advice I would give someone is never give up on your dreams it's never too late.
  • Work hard and kept God and Family first.
  • Always remember to keep your eye on the prize.
  • Surround yourself with people that have a passion to succeed in life.
What's next?
Right now I'm currently working on my newest mixtape titled ' Shame On You ". I chose that titled because I'm basically letting the ones know that didn't support me back then and see my success now that its shame on you. I plan on continuing to build my brand Flow Game and build a bigger following for the rest of the year.