Showing posts with label Healing In Every Cup. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Healing In Every Cup. Show all posts

10 Questions with Cancer Survivor and Small Business Owner of Natasha’s Teas

What is your Education and Work Experience? I graduated Highschool. I have about 10 years of retail experience, 5 years of call center/administrative experience. 

What are your favorite quotes?  

“Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.” -Bruce Lee 

“A woman is like a tea bag; you never know how strong it is until it's in hot water.”

-Elenora Roosevelt  

“Tea is the only simple pleasure left to us.”

-Oscar Wilde 


Can you tell us a little bit about your business or the work you do? 

Natasha's Teas provides healing tea blends, Hair rinses, and tea baths to help you reach your health goals. I have a multitude of healing blends.  I also do one-on-one consultation to create a personal blend to assist with a health goal or a tasty blend you want to create for pleasure.  It's important to understand that some do not have access to healthcare, I  have partnered with several food kitchens and nonprofits organizations that will donate my healing blends to the communities in need.

What ignited the spark in starting a business venture or make any significant changes to an existing business? I was diagnosed with cancer and once it was removed from my body my doctor at the time advised me to continue to take my herbs, continue to do my yoga, and stay stress-free. I wanted to share the blessing tea has changed my life. 

What brings you the greatest joy? 
When I am able to assist a client with reaching a health goal and when I have an inventory of the herb needed for a client. 

What is the best advice you've been given? Allow yourself to rest. Sometimes we become so engulfed with work that we forget that we are to take care of ourselves. It is vital that we rest and take care of ourselves as well. 

What accomplishment are you most proud of? Starting NaTasha’s Tea. When I was diagnosed with cancer, the company I employee with wouldn't allow me to have time off to have my surgery to remove my cancer. I was forced to quit. As I was recovering, I decided that I could do it! I could open my own business as I have always wanted. It was a time where I could have given up or become depressed, but it helped drive my passion to start this business, to help others.  

What is one thing you wish you knew when you were younger? I wish I knew to have the confidence I have now, knowing I can do anything I put my mind to. Whether it be to start a business, heal myself, or believe in the healing of my clients, I can do anything. I’m blessed to have the support of my community. 

What is on your bookshelf? Oh, which one? Lol, I currently have about 5 bookshelves. I am a nerd from way back. My genres range from fiction, Biographies, Textbooks, Medical studies, Healing herbs, Classic Titles, Encyclopedias, Spiritual Texts, and more. 

If you could talk to three people, who would they be and why?  

Erykah Badu – Because when I met her years ago, I was in awe to the point I couldn’t speak, and I wanted to ask what her fav tea and honey are.  

Alice Walker – to discuss anything with the person who created Temple of My Familiar and The Secret of Joy would be bliss. 

My Grandmother Frankie who passed. We shared a birthday, I would love to know her and know if we were alike in any way. I wish I could have known her better, I would love to hold her hand again, to hug her. 

Do you have any advice you would like to leave with the reader? Make sure to discuss new herbs with your medical advisor. And, never waste food and water. 

 Email Natasha directly at to schedule a consultation for a personal blend!


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