Be The Change: How Ulanda Terry"All Things Posh" Business Woman Began Her Journey

What is your background? Education & Work Experiences
I attended high school at Pine Bluff High School. Received my B.S. from UAPB in Agriculture Business with a focus on Marketing and M.S. from University of Arkansas at Fayetteville in Agriculture Economics. I spent about 12 years in Corporate America working a variety of roles in the Human Resources area for 2 Fortune 100 Companies. When I left Corporate America I was responsible for some of a major Food Company’s Diversity & Inclusion efforts, training and talent development.

What’s your favorite quotes!
"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity.... It turns problems into gifts, failures into success, the unexpected into perfect timing, and mistakes into important events”. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow. Melodie Beattie
What ignited the spark in you to starting your own business venture or to make significant changes in an existing business?

I started a business for many reasons.

1.) I believed that I wasn’t using my full capacity in Corporate America. African American women are the fastest growing demographic of entrepreneurs. Many times we are overlooked because our leadership style and business approach may seem unconventional. 
We tend to lead with the heart & gut because we are very intuitive beings.
2.)I wanted to leave a legacy for my children.
3.)I wanted to fulfill my dream and passion of being a creative in the Events and Design industry.
If you had the chance to start your career over again, what would you do differently?
I would not do a whole lot differently. I grew up in my twenties and early thirties in Corporate America. I believe those years helped me gain a true sense of how a Fortune 500 Company runs. It also helped me build meaningful relationships and taught me the importance of focusing on people and not just the bottom line.
What have been some of your failures, and what have you learned from them?
I have had many failures...primarily around strategic planning, being afraid to ask for help, and not intentionally working on important relationships. I tend to be a doer so a lot of my focus tends to be on the what and the how is just as important. I am still learning the importance of planning ahead. It’s critical in a small business where one can wear many hats.
Growing up in a single parent home taught me resourcefulness. If it was something we needed or couldn’t do, we had to figure it out before we couldn’t afford to pay anyone for help. It’s so many resources out there for entrepreneurs now, so I’m learning to use them!! And not be afraid to ask for help. Sometimes I’ve been so focused on work that I have forgotten to take time for myself and others. Being an entrepreneur has actually allowed me to manage that better.

How long do you stick with an idea before giving up?
I rarely give up. If it’s something I feel strongly about and trust it’s apart of God’s plan for me, I try hard to stick out. With that being said, I never want to sacrifice my health, my family or relationships.
My greatest fear is not being able to contribute or provide for my family. 
 Another fear of mine is contributing to a childhood that my kids have to recover. I want to give them a good quality of life while helping them grow strong, kind to others, confident in who they are, and to be contributing citizens and have a love and belief in Jesus Christ.
I manage fear by having faith and trusting God’s plan for my life...knowing either I lose or I learn.
If you could talk to three people, who would they be and why?
Oprah- I admire her business sense, personality and resilience.

 Tupac - I love to write and recite spoken word myself and admire his lyrics and mindset about our culture.
 Princess Diana - I’ve always admired her heart and love for people. She was a beauty icon but never forgot about what’s most important.

Who has been your greatest inspiration?
My greatest inspiration has been my grandmother. She is a giver. Her patience, kindness and encouragement have helped many people be better.
What book has inspired you the most? (OR what is your favorite book?
John Maxwell is my favorite author. His principles around leadership and taking care of people help me assess my leadership style and learn ways of doing things better.
What is your favorite aspect of being an entrepreneur?
My favorite aspect of being an entrepreneur is the rush and excitement of seeing my ideas and services meeting a need. I like being my own boss too which can be a blessing & curse if not managed well. I like that I am my own boss. When I plan smart and work hard, the results I want to see are there.
What has been your most satisfying moment in business?
Everyday I’m able to pick my kids up for school is satisfying for me. When I worked in Corporate America they had to attend after school programs through the Boys & Girls Club to whom I’m very grateful. But any extra time I get with them I cherish because they are growing fast.
 Pay it Forward!
My mindset around risk and being an entrepreneur was shaped by several mentors that stressed the importance of not being afraid to step out in your purpose and pursue your dreams. I hope to be that type of mentor for others. I want to be known as someone who empowers others to pursue their passion as well.

Visit our Posh Boutique in Fayetteville, AR!
2907 E. Joyce Blvd Suite 7

Call (479) 799-1332

Owner, Chief Creative Officer:

Ulanda Terry

Specializing in 5 Ps:
1) Planning(Events)
2) Party Rental Space
3) Petals (Fresh Florals)
4) Presents (Custom Gifts)
5) Posh Inspirational Tees (Custom Shirts)

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