Showing posts with label Self-Awareness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Self-Awareness. Show all posts

 Inspiration + Aspiration

Most of us deal with everyday questions about how we stay motivated or how we stay on track, how to be excited about what we're doing, how to stay grounded and balanced. 

Do you face these same issues? Good, I'm glad it's not just me! 

I've been playing with inspiration and aspiration. Followed by perspiration...... Why? 

Each of these words have the Latin verb for “to breathe” at their roots. We breathe in inspiration, breathe out our aspirations, and breathe through the hard work that brings us perspiration.

When we’re plagued with self-doubt or a lack of motivation, we can breathe in the inspiration of others. Seek out the passion that other people have for their work, the compassion they bring for other people, the goodness in their hearts that inspires them to do their work. We don’t have to copy what they’re doing but instead be inspired by their spirit, drive, and determination.

When we feel this inspiration, we can then look inward and find what it is that we’re called to do. And why: It’s important to build our own inner strength, drive, passion, and determination to be able to refocus, reset and reevaluate our own personal struggles.

Take a good intention, and infuse it with the newly inspired spirit you have. And then breathe it out into the world as your aspiration for today. What do you aspire to create? How do you aspire to help others? How will you continue to create balance within your life? 

And then finally, put in the work to make these aspirations happen. Remember every day is a process and you may encounter challenges along the way.  At the end of the day, the best inspiration and aspirations are nothing but hot air without perspiration. 

#PenandPaper #WritingTherapy 

 Major Love,

Kysha Ann 


Clear Distractions and Finding Balance

When it comes to the minimalism of doing, distractions are the biggest obstacle.
We must first identify what’s most important to us, what we’re passionate about, what we want to spend our time on. And then we must focus on those things first.
But the distractions. They get in the way of this focusing, no?
Without distractions, you’ll be able to focus. You’ll find peace. You’ll find time for doing what you love.  Note 2 Self: Our expectations of others often cause our own struggles and frustrations.
Here’s how:
  • Cut back your social networking to network (or two at the most) – including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, forums, etc. These are hugely distracting when trying to reset yourself.
  • Cut back on your social networking “friends”. Stick to your actual friends and colleagues. Networking with thousands of people you don’t know is superficial and distracting..
  • Do less email. Start by sending less. Check email less often. Use the phone or face-to-face conversations when possible.
  • Shut down the Internet to work. Disconnect, and work without distractions.
  • Separate consuming from creating. Reading and networking and emailing are different from actually creating. Do them at separate times.
  • Set a limited reading time. If you read a lot on the web, or RSS feeds, set limits and do it at specified times.
  • Shut off notifications. 
  • Clear away icons on your desktop. File them all in one folder, and use an app launcher.
  • Clear your actual desk.
  • Use music to block out your surroundings.
  • Get away from the computer, spend time with actual people.
  • Shut off the smart phone. Seriously.
  • Focus on the most important tasks first, before you get distracted.
  • Set limits on your work hours. If your time is limited, you’ll find ways to make the most of that limited time.
  • Go for a walk, do yoga or meditation
  • Declutter your life
  • Get rid of toxic people 
Small is beautiful. Aim for smaller when it makes sense, and enjoy the wonder that ensues.


[ min-uh-muh-list ]


a person who favors a moderate approach to the achievement of a set of goals or who holds minimal expectations for the success of a program.

Dimensions of Personal Empowerment

The following ‘dimensions of personal empowerment’ are based on the belief that the greater the range of coping responses an individual develops, the greater their chance of coping effectively with diverse life situations.

These dimensions are:
Self-awareness involves understanding our individual character and how we are likely to respond to situations.
This enables us to build on our positive qualities and be aware of any negative traits which may reduce our effectiveness.  Self-aware people make conscious decisions to enhance their lives whenever possible, learning from past experiences.
Values are opinions or beliefs that are important to us but of which we are not always aware.
They can be any kind of belief or perceived obligation, anything we prefer and for any reason. The reasons we may prefer one thing over another, or choose one course of action over another, may not always be obvious or known; there may be no apparent reason for our values. Nevertheless our values are important to us as individuals. In order to be self-aware it is necessary to be aware of our values, to critically examine them and to accept that our values may be different from those of others.
An individual's skills are the main resource which enables them to achieve their desired goals.
Skills can be gained through experience, practice, education and training. It is only by developing such skills that individual values can be translated into action.
Knowledge or information is necessary in the development of self-awareness and skills.
Knowing where to find appropriate information is in itself an essential skill. Without information, the choices open to people are limited, both in their personal and working lives. The internet has provided an easy way for everybody to access huge amounts of information very quickly and easily.  The problem is then centered around the quality of the information found, and the skill set is concerned with finding accurate and reliable information.
Setting goals is a means by which an individual can take charge of their life.
The process of setting a goal involves people thinking about their values and the direction that they would like their lives to follow. Choices are made through reflection followed by action. Goals should always be both specific and realistic. Setting personal goals gives us a sense of direction in life, this direction is essential to personal empowerment.

Note 2 Self:
 Trust can be broken very quickly and may never be restored to its former level. Think about the points above and try to build and maintain trusting relationships in both your personal and professional life.
